
Blog 8: English Language Challenges

My experience began with the English exam when I enrolled in the university just before the pandemic began, not having a high level of English did not allow me to skip the later levels, and due to this online context I have not been able to avoid that it has been Simpler than I expected, this context may have been very different in the face-to-face environment but his light style on the subject of academic load seemed quite good and relieving. Regarding the blogs, being sincere at first they were quite simple talking about general or personal issues, however, this time due to the extraordinary situations and the excessive load that I had in other matters they forced me to stay awake by doing 6 blogs in less than 2 days (sleep is overrated)   Speaking of my level of English, I feel that I continue to have the same initial problems, although less marked, being this being able to understand what they speak to me, they do not always speak so quickly but I still have my nerves when spea


  When I think about the changes that I can make to the program of my career, the first thing that comes to mind is the great inflexibility in the schedules that we currently have, with respect to this school schedules from my point of view are quite severe and rigid, with a regular schedule that starts from 9 a.m. M. and ends around 6 p.m. M., Not counting the time spent in electives and workshops within the faculty. giving as an example other careers where the schedules become the most flexible to the point of having the option of having classes at night, so I recommend it if you need flexibility for work or other activities. In the subject that most persecutes students is failing a branch, from my vision I see it quite exaggerated or extreme to deliver 1 full year in the recovery of a mere subject with a poor grade.   I am not at all ignorant of the situation in which these actions are carried out, which is quite complicated. The small number of professors practicing in the facu

Blog 6: Time travel to the future

Curious question ... what time in the future would I like to go? From my point of view I don't like that kind of question very much because when we talk about the future we have a positive perspective of tomorrow but it generates an uncertainty that it is not what we all hope, giving a bit of uncertainty that it could be changed to improve that future or if changing something could make it worse. But to continue with this blog, I would like to travel 20 years in the future to know about the progress of the world and although this topic generates more uncertainty my future as a person already 40 years old, but in the first case I would like to observe how Everything has changed in my hometown Santiago and also on the planet throughout these 20 years that I have progressed, and observing the changes that they have suffered either in the political, social, environmental and climate issues, in addition to seeing how I am doing. Yes I am happy, yes I am married but I would be sad to kno

Blog 5: My future job

 When they ask me to talk about my future job after finishing university, I personally have not imagined in a concrete way the type of job I would like to have in the near future. Using a little imagination I would have a vague vision with which I imagine the future, this would be a job where I would constantly participate in the open air, traveling through the country and outside it through the different forest ecosystems and conducting research within the area of ​​the sciences in nature, working on their conservation or studying about new discoveries of animal or arboreal species. Nature has always caught my attention and I have always wanted to know about it, so I feel that it would not be silly to specialize in the aforementioned, because of this taste I opted for those hypothetical works. If we talk about the monetary issue, money is not something that feels such a priority as long as I have enough to be able to live peacefully if I am working on something that I like, but I do

Blog 4: Free theme: Forestry Engineering

On this occasion I will tell you about my current profession (or what is probably my profession) Forestry Engineering. I do not know how it starts because there are many things to talk about, among them are the positive aspects and benefits of being a forest engineer as one who works in a field plagued with varied vegetation and different species of trees in general or perform analyzes or experiments in laboratories. First of all, we know that in the world, the risk of the loss of our resources and the risk of permanent loss of both animal and plant species, this as a result of an unsustainable use of these resources of our planet, which is affecting us all . And that is why becoming a competent forest engineer would bring enormous benefits, both for me but also for everyone, since I was able to work to protect and make areas with their biodiversity at risk prosper by regulating the use of forest resources, contributing to their conservation if possible in different areas of the countr

Blog 3: My best vacations

  My best vacations were made 9 years ago in 2012, I do not remember the exact date but I do remember that we traveled in mid-January when I was 10 years old, we went with my family, which at that time consisted of my mother, father and My younger sister to the southern sector of Chile, Temuco about 2 weeks, we stayed in a cabin that a friend of my grandparents had next to a huge, incredibly pleasant lake, they made us want to swim all day, surrounded by a leafy forest at each end of the house and across the road in a high humidity environment. I consider these my best vacations because it was in that instance of 2 weeks surrounded by nothing but nature I was able to fall in love with it and that it will guide my steps to follow and my learning until I find myself in the present with the university degree of forestry engineer learning more about it. the nature that captivated me as a child.

Blog 2: The country that I would like to visit

  Actually the action of traveling to other countries I have not mentalized in such a concrete way, but if I had one in specific it would be Japan because it is the driver of my tastes, my smiles and entertainment since I was a child, I know about your country as well as your culture some data of its achievements or its historical events but I do not know its long history as a nation, being there I would like first of all to take a tour of all the culturally important places or that appeal to my curiosity such as restaurants or local shops.   A choice as important as staying to live in a country is quite complicated that I do not rule out because it would depend on my situation and my sentimental state, on the other hand if it were to work there or that my job allowed me to travel to that country like others in the rest I would consider it a great experience to learn a little about the world.