Blog 8: English Language Challenges

My experience began with the English exam when I enrolled in the university just before the pandemic began, not having a high level of English did not allow me to skip the later levels, and due to this online context I have not been able to avoid that it has been Simpler than I expected, this context may have been very different in the face-to-face environment but his light style on the subject of academic load seemed quite good and relieving. Regarding the blogs, being sincere at first they were quite simple talking about general or personal issues, however, this time due to the extraordinary situations and the excessive load that I had in other matters they forced me to stay awake by doing 6 blogs in less than 2 days (sleep is overrated)


Speaking of my level of English, I feel that I continue to have the same initial problems, although less marked, being this being able to understand what they speak to me, they do not always speak so quickly but I still have my nerves when speaking, perhaps it is ashamed or fear of expressing myself badly. That they continue to cause my nerves and not remembering or knowing the word I want to say only aggravates my nervousness in the context of having a fluent conversation, I notice these nerves mostly when there are evaluations or I think that I am under a criterion evaluation.


Outside of class, I sometimes repeat the typical phrases for me, introducing them in my regular language, without mentioning all the music I listen to, watching movies mostly without subtitles but if I don't understand I go back to listen to you better and more carefully, although if they speak very slowly or very fast according to the scene I have no choice but to give the subtitles.


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