Blog 1: The subject that I liked to study


Hello to all the people who watch this blog, to be really honest when they ask me about a subject that I liked study from my point of view it is complex because due to the extraordinary situation in which we live where the experience that we all obtained with The classes are different from the one that several students have received before us but if I were to choose a subject that I liked, it would be among the topics seen in the climatology and ecology classes but more about climatology when seeing the different types of climates and the variations of concepts such as temperature, humidity, among others have been changing over time and these affect the ecosystem of several countries making them a totally different world allowing or denying the development of different species that can only be seen in places with the conditions appropriate what for me it is necessary to understand it to be able to understand the behavior of an ecosystem being at any moment of n our career, at first I saw it as one more subject but when I finished looking at it in its entirety I could see all the weight that the study of the climate entails.


  1. The field of climatology was very interesting, I enjoyed it a lot too!

  2. Climatology is great, it makes me really hard!

  3. I liked that subject even though I didn´t understand it much:(

  4. Climatology is the key to understanding why there is so much diversity in ecosystems, without a doubt a very cool branch <3

  5. i think the climatology is a very interesting and important subject


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