
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

My Favorite Food

Hello everyone who watches this blog, my favorite food was hard to choose because I don't really hate any food, but this time I will choose empanada as my favorite food.   The empanada is a Chilean national food, it contains mostly minced and seasoned meat, onion, egg and olives all inside the baked dough giving it a generally soft texture and with an unequaled flavor. I like this food not only for its flavor, but the feeling of the same as always eating them at festivals or events to celebrate always giving me good spirits knowing that I will eat that food, talk about how it will affect my health personally I do not know how it would affect my health but I have always believed that a lot of something will always be bad so the amounts of seasoned meat or excess dough is very likely to harm my health one or the other shape

My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hello to all the people who look at this blog! I really do not consider myself an expert in technology but choosing my favorite piece of technology is currently my notebook, I choose this object because in these times of pandemic it has become an indispensable device to be able to survive in my university life and my way of communicating to live with other people, I use my notebook to attend and carry out my activities at university, talk with my friends or see them on video calls and satisfy my boredom surfing the internet or playing a video game, even though it has affected my life by making it mandatory to be in front of it For hours in online classes, I totally recommend having a notebook because regardless of the current isolation situation, this object becomes indispensable for many people in their personal or professional life